ESA Assembly: How to develop teamwork, employability and leadership skills
In this week’s ESA assembly, Ms Le-Roux explains in her vlog how you can develop teamwork, employability and leadership skills.
What does teamwork mean?
Working well in a team means:
Working with a group of people to achieve a shared goal or outcome in an effective way
Listening to other members of the team
Taking everyone’s ideas on board, not just your own
Working for the good of the group as a whole
Having a say and sharing responsibility
A successful team is one where everyone’s unique skills and strengths help the team achieve a shared goal in the most effective way.
If you have good people skills you’ll make a good team player, and skills like communication and having a positive attitude make a team great.
Building teamwork skills in school will help you:
Boost your confidence in contributing ideas to a project
Listen to others and take their ideas on board
Play an active part in creating a positive energy and atmosphere during the project
Support any fellow students who need extra support, and take instruction well from team leaders
Take responsibility for your tasks in a project
What are employability skills?
Think about the skills you will need to achieve your future career goals
Focus on self-awareness to improve the way you’re perceived
Be clear in your mind about your unique selling proposition (USP)
Make a commitment to smartening up your social media presence this year
Consider what you’re looking for in a new role and new employer
Be prepared to be brave and take some risk
Keep positive and stay motivated when searching for a new job
Watch this:
What are leadership skills?
Decisiveness - the ability to make quick decisions
Relationship building
Ability to teach and mentor others