Still COMMUNITY (even at distance)

My assembly this week would have been on the theme of COMMUNITY... So I have made you a vlog assembly on youtube. We are really missing you all. Elstree UTC remains a strong and supportive community during this time of physical distancing and national crisis. Make sure that you are remembering to connect online through our Google Classrooms and Hangouts. We continue to be here for each other.

Here at EUTC, we have put our flag firmly in the sand to say that we believe in a ‘relational’ model of education. Of course we have to have rules and boundaries to keep us all safe but we are not about rules and power in the traditional ‘top-down’ sense… we believe in community, and distributing power and giving everyone voice and a sense of contribution. Remember your lego brick? We are building this thing together, we share this ethos and this magical place. As a proud and loud relational school, this social distance thing is hitting us hard. I don’t like the term. We may require physical distance at this time, but it strikes me that we need ‘social closening’. We need to be there for each other more than ever. So please be sure to be at you virtual lessons and keep in touch through our social media channels.

Below is another short vlog from me - this time to the song ‘Blind Leading The Blind’ by Mumford and Sons. Like they sing in the song - we remain ‘right here’. We will continue to put our hands in each others (not literally as we follow the guidance to physically distance from each other, but symbolically we will hold each other tightly during this unknown time.