A Level and Level 3 Results 2022

This year students around the UK have taken summer exams and assessments in A Levels, T Levels and other post 16 qualifications for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. As we return to a system where results are more easily comparable between years, Elstree Screen Arts are proud to announce that our student outcomes have continued to improve.  Our students have worked so hard to overcome profound disruptions to achieve some brilliant results with all of the cohort achieving passes and above in Level 3 qualifications. 

As a specialist centre for media and production arts, we were particularly delighted by some amazing outcomes in Photography, Game Design, Film Studies, Dance, Production Arts Technology and Musical Theatre.

Despite the disruptions over the last 2 years, ESA students have demonstrated superb tenacity and the ability to excel in qualifications whilst also developing as people and future creative professionals.  We are confident that these results and their education in our ‘7C’ character curriculum here at ESA has equipped our graduates to become confident, creative, curious, compassionate, committed, communicators and craftspeople bringing them further achievements and successes in university, apprenticeships, employment and beyond!

ESA has a commitment to creating opportunities for students currently under represented in the creative sector and so we are delighted that 79% of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and 82% of students with special educational needs achieved A* to C grades or equivalent across all our A Levels and Level 3 qualifications. 

A brilliant year of results for ESA students


  • 100% of students have passed their level 3 qualifications

  • 83% of students achieved A*to C (or equivalent) and over 40% achieving A* to B

  • Specialist subjects such as Game Design, Production Make Up and Music Performance have seen impressive results with a 100% pass rate and up to 50% receiving Distinction grades.

  • 100% A* to C grade in AQA Art

  • 94% Distinction* to Merit grades in Musical Theatre

  • 86% A*to C grade in Film Studies

Elstree Screen Arts became a UK Centre of Screen Excellence last year for its delivery of the TV and film CraftSkills traineeship in association with ScreenSkills and the BFI. It is so wonderful to see ESA becoming a pipeline of talent into the creative industries and our students becoming the future creatives of film and TV.
— Chris Mitchell, Principal at Elstree Screen Arts

Elstree Screen Arts is a technical academy with a focus on industry credible education and training which leads to employment and training in the creative sector. We are really pleased that our students have achieved some amazing and prestigious destinations including:

  • Sky

  • Warner Bros

  • Netflix

  • Panavision

  • White light

  • University of Wales to study Adventure filmmaking

  • RADA to study Technical Theatre and Stage Management

  • Bournemouth University to study Media Makeup

  • University of Falmouth to study Art

Notable student successes:

  • Maya Nakajima received 1 Distinction* and 2 A* grades and has enrolled in the Year 14 CraftSkills Traineeship at ESA for Production Assistants.

  • Harry Sweetman received 3 Distinction* grades and is going on to study BA (Hons) Musical Theatre (Triple Threat) at University of Chichester

  • Lucas Judd received a Distinction*, A and B grade and will be attending Goldsmiths Uni to study Popular Music

  • Amber Wilson received a Distinction* in Double Make Up and A in Photography and will go on to study Make Up at the Art University of Bournemouth

ESA is a UK Centre of Screen Excellence for the CraftSkills Traineeship:

We are delighted that 100% of our post 18 trainees have found employment, training or freelance work within the creative sector. 75% of trainees achieved a level 4 diploma with distinction Technical and Production Practice for the Creative Industries. This is a fantastic success for our new post 18 traineeship which was launched last year.

Through our alumni network we will watch and admire the continued success of all of our Year 13s; a portion of which will be returning to ESA, a UK Centre of Screen Excellence, to commence a ‘Craftskills traineeship' in specialist courses. Well done to all our students, another great year to build on!
