GCSE and Level 2 Results
The first ESA students to sit GCSE exams since before the pandemic received impressive results across all subject areas.
As we return to a system where results are more easily comparable between years, Elstree Screen Arts are proud to announce that our student outcomes have continued to improve. Our students have worked so hard to overcome profound disruptions to achieve some brilliant results with 82% of the student cohort meeting or exceeding their target GCSE grades.
As a specialist centre for media and production arts, we were particularly delighted by some amazing outcomes in Creative Media, Dance, Film Studies, Photography, and Make Up, with up to 90% achieving grades on or above their targets.
Despite the disruptions over the last 2 years, ESA students have demonstrated superb tenacity and the ability to excel in qualifications whilst also developing as people and future creative professionals. We are confident that these results and their education in our ‘7C’ character curriculum here at ESA has equipped our future Year 12s to become confident, creative, curious, compassionate, committed, communicators and craftspeople, moving forward.
ESA has a commitment to ensuring that the necessary provisions are made for any student who has special needs, creating opportunities for students currently under represented or overlooked in the creative sector and beyond. We are delighted that 50% of students with special educational needs achieved grade 4+ in English, Maths and Science.
We are pleased that most of our students are staying with us Post-16 to continue their culture industry training and even more pleased to welcome new students to ESA in the new academic year.
82% of students met or exceeded their target grade
Jaimee Silverston received a grade 9 in Maths
Jay Leboff received 9 GCSEs grades 7 to 9 including three 9s and three 8s
Tommy Hill received a double 9 in English (Eng. Language and Eng. Literature)
96% of students are on/above their target grade in Dance
Over 75% of students achieved or exceeded their target grade in Maths
50% of SEND students achieved Grade 5 and upwards in English and Maths
The following students have made the most progress and exceeded their targets in all subjects:
Jay Leboff
Ellie Slade
Emma Dobrakowska
Tommy Hill
Lily Shapter
Lulu Etchell
Nicol Petar
Rihanna Byford
Emma Whitby
Samantha Leeman
Jemima Canton
Tate Cummings
Congratulations on completing this first stage of your future careers!